Friday, February 19, 2010

The Internet is Awesome

So I used to just paste pictures into the text and now that seems stupid. I don't want to exclaim the greatness of the internet too much because it may make us all slaves, but... my Google account is amazing. Not only does it have a reader letting me scrounge up blogs I never thought could exist but it has a nifty utility for uploading and sharing pictures without all the hassle of e-mailing or one-by-one attaching. Here are some of the pictures from the India trip.

Also, Googling 'Google' doesn't implode the universe. And, it has surprisingly more hits than either 'Obama' or 'porn'/'sex'. Go figure.


Trasherati said...

Just please reassure me you did NOT string together "Obama porn sex"...

nshanks said...

Seperate searches, but now the mind does wonder...